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Reporting to this site

Don't be afraid, speak up - silence hides hate

report hate now

What to expect when you report

When you report through this website, your report is handled by the Equality & Inclusion Partnership (EQuIP).

EQuIP is part of the Warwickshire Hate Crime Partnership, and is a charity providing support, advice and training to people across Warwickshire to combat discrimination.

They work alongside local groups, businesses and organisations, helping to build understanding and cohesion throughout the community through individual support and advice, group learning and tailored training courses.

By reporting to either the police or through this website, you are helping us build a true picture of Hate Crime and assisting us to work with agencies across Warwickshire to help support victims and witnesses.

Report Hate Now

After you report

Once you’ve reported on this website, an EQuIP officer will be in touch to talk about what happened. They will be there to listen to your story, and offer advice and support.

After your initial report, you’ll be allocated a dedicated EQuIP officer to help you. They’ll assess your case and find out what EQuIP can do to help. If for some reason, they are not the best people to provide you support, they will refer you to a partner agency who can.

Want to talk about it?

Visit our Support page to find local and national organisations who provide support and advice to people who’ve been affected by hate incidents.

Get Support

Don't be afraid, speak up - silence hides hate

report hate now