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After you report

Don't be afraid, speak up - silence hides hate

report hate now

After you report

Reporting a hate incident is one of the most positive and proactive things you can do if you’ve witnessed or been a victim of hate.

You can make a report to the Warwickshire Hate Crime Partnership through this website or make a report to the Police through their True Vision website. Wherever you make your report, you’ll get access to the support and advice you need.


It is always important to report a hate incident so that it can be recorded. It helps the police and local agencies build a picture of what is going on locally and what can be done to prevent it.

Sometimes hate crimes start as small incidents which may escalate into more serious and frequent attacks - so it’s always best to act early and try to stop this progression.

Reporting also helps you access the support you may need.

Want to talk about it?

Visit our Support page to find local and national organisations who provide support and advice to people who’ve been affected by hate incidents.

Don't be afraid, speak up - silence hides hate

report hate now